In 1984, Director Ronald Jaffe made an amazing movie on the history of The Killing Fields. This movie ” The Killing Fields” is highly recommended to watch out.
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The Killing Fields near Phnom Penh is also known as Choeung Ek Genocidal Center.
Killing Fields, Killing Fields Travel, Killing Fields Tour Killing Fields, Killing Fields Travel, Killing Fields Tour
To get to the Killing Fields of Choeung Ek, take Monireth Blvd southwest out of the city.
Killing Fields, Killing Fields in Phnom Penh Killing Fields, Killing Fields in Phnom Penh
After 40 minutes (15km) your TukTuk will turn left and you will soon arrive at the Killing Fields site.
Killing Fields Killing Fields
Killing Fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where collectively more than a million people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979.
Killing Fields, Killing Fields in Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Tour Killing Fields, Killing Fields in Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh Tour
Pol Pot genocide in Killing Fields
pol pot, killing fileds phnom penh pol pot, killing fileds phnom penh

Killing Fields overview

Killing Fields is one of the world-famous destinations in Phnom Penh, Cambodia where tourists may feel the most heartbroken, pitiful, and fearful. This site attracts a large number of tourists every day.

Killing Fields gives tourists the most honest and painful look at Polpot’s crime. Initially, the Choeung Ek Killing Fields was just a fruit garden, but it was later designated as a Cambodian collective massacre site.

Highlights of Killing Fields

Although the Killing Fields is a tourist attraction, anyone who goes deep inside this place will have an oppressive feeling, made creepier by a large number of collectively buried holes.

According to official records, the Khmer Rouge killed over 20.000 people in Choeung Ek. Since Cambodia’s liberation in 1979, only 8.985 dead bodies have been discovered, including collective tombs with unique names like “the tomb of 100 infants and mothers,” “the tomb of 450 dead bodies,” and “the tomb of 166 persons without heads.”

Killing Fields has an area to is just like a football field, but Choeng Ek has a lot of collective holes. Tourists who visit this location usually walk slowly because dead bodies may still be found beneath the ground layers. According to the tour guides here, the white bones will be exposed during the rainy season.

In the heart of the Killing Fields, there is a monument to the unfortunate victims, inside which are about 8000 brainboxes, and there are many of the savage racked methods used by Pol Pot at the time, such as children being beaten into trees until they died.

Taking a short trip to the Killing Fields is very mean and worthwhile for tourists who want to understand a heartbreaking historical period in Cambodia; this trip should not be missed if you visit Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

How to travel to Killing Fields?

The Killing Fields are approximately 14,5 kilometers from the center of Phnom Penh city, and it takes approximately 30 minutes by bus/drive to get there.


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